WWVB Receiver

Global Time-sync for Geo-distributed Large-scale Environmental Sensing Applications

Pho­to­graph of the WWVB Receiver
Pho­to­graph of the WWVB Receiver
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  • Abstract
Time sync is a cru­cial foun­da­tion that allows coher­ent cor­re­la­tion among large num­ber of data sam­ples cap­tured from envi­ron­men­tal sens­ing appli­ca­tions. It is almost impos­si­ble to derive mean­ing­ful analy­sis if the notion of time is lost or miss­ing in the data sam­ples. It becomes sig­nif­i­cant espe­cial­ly for the geo-dis­trib­uted large-scale envi­ron­men­tal sens­ing appli­ca­tions where pre­set­ting and main­tain­ing of time sync is very chal­leng­ing due to the large count of sen­sor nodes and the dynam­ic nature that it is exposed to. To over­come, I devel­oped a glob­al time sync device that receives the WWVB wall-clock syn­chro­nized time sig­nal that cov­ers entire North America.