
HW/SW Approach for Computing across Power Cycles in Transiently Powered Computers

Block Dia­gram of Exper­i­men­tal Setup
QucikRe­call Soft­ware Flow
Qube: Quick­Re­call Test Plat­form Hardware
Quick­Re­call in Action
Per­for­mance Analy­sis using RSA Slow­down Nor­mal­ized to Quick­Re­call Sin­gle Lifecycle
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Tran­sient­ly Pow­ered Com­put­ers (TPCs) are a new class of bat­tery­less embed­ded sys­tems that depend sole­ly on ener­gy har­vest­ed from exter­nal sources for per­form­ing com­pu­ta­tions. Enabling long-run­ning com­pu­ta­tions on TPCs is a major chal­lenge due to the high­ly inter­mit­tent nature of the pow­er sup­ply (often bursts of < 100ms), result­ing in fre­quent sys­tem reboots. Pri­or work seeks to address this issue by fre­quent­ly check­point­ing sys­tem state in flash mem­o­ry, pre­serv­ing it across pow­er cycles. How­ev­er, this involves a sub­stan­tial over­head due to the high erase/write times of flash mem­o­ry. This arti­cle pro­pos­es the use of Fer­ro­elec­tric RAM (FRAM), an emerg­ing non­volatile mem­o­ry tech­nol­o­gy that com­bines the ben­e­fits of SRAM and flash, to seam­less­ly enable long-run­ning com­pu­ta­tions in TPCs. We pro­pose a light­weight, in-situ check­point­ing tech­nique for TPCs using FRAM that con­sumes only 30nJ while decreas­ing the time tak­en for sav­ing and restor­ing a check­point to only 21.06μs, which is over two orders of mag­ni­tude low­er than the cor­re­spond­ing over­head using flash. We have imple­ment­ed and eval­u­at­ed our tech­nique, Quick­Re­call, using the TI MSP430FR5739 FRAM-enabled micro­con­troller. Exper­i­men­tal results show that our high­ly-effi­cient check­point­ing trans­late to sig­nif­i­cant speedup (1.25x — 8.4x) in pro­gram exe­cu­tion time and reduc­tion (∼3x) in appli­ca­tion-lev­el ener­gy consumption.
  1. Hrishikesh Jayaku­mar, Arnab Raha, Woo Suk Lee, Vijay Raghu­nathan, “QUICK RECALL: A HW/SW Approach for Com­put­ing across Pow­er Cycles in Tran­sient­ly Pow­ered Com­put­ers,” ACM Jour­nal on Emerg­ing Tech­nolo­gies in Com­put­ing Sys­tems, Spe­cial Issue on Advances in Design for Ultra-Low Pow­er Cir­cuits and Sys­tems in Emerg­ing Tech­nolo­gies (JETC), Vol. 12, Issue 1, July 2015.
  2. Hrishikesh Jayaku­mar, Arnab Raha, Younghyun Kim, Soub­hagya Sutar, Woo Suk Lee, and Vijay Raghu­nathan, “Ener­gy-Effi­cient Sys­tem Design for IoT Devices,” IEEE 21st Asia and South Pacif­ic Design Automa­tion Con­fer­ence (ASP-DAC), pp.298–301, Macau, Jan 2016.
  1. Hrishikesh Jayaku­mar, Arnab Raha, Woo Suk Lee, and Vijay Raghu­nathan, “Qube: An FRAM-based, Low Pow­er, Mod­u­lar Plat­form Archi­tec­ture for Wire­less Embed­ded Sys­tems,” VLSI Design (VLSID 2015), Ban­ga­lore, India, Jan 2015.
    (VLSID 2015 Design Con­test Award)